1. BYO Bring Your Own Basket - Ask neighbors to bring plates, silverware, napkins, cups.
2. Avoid Singles Serve drinks from kegs, pitchers or 2-liter bottles. If using recyclable drink cups, put out markers so guests can write names on cups. If you do provide single-serving beverages, choose drinks in aluminum cans [hyperlink to green tip Nov.2020], which are readily recycled, rather than glass or plastic. Then be sure to provide a bin to collect them for recycling.
3. Be Aware of Potluck Packaging Encourage everyone to bring their potluck items on platters and in bowls they take home and reuse.
Avoid Styrofoam at all costs. Styrofoam is not recyclable and may be leaching nasty chemicals into the food.
4. Use Waste-Free Decorations Avoid disposable tablecloths, machine-made centerpieces, and balloons. Instead, have guests bring cloth tablecloths, real flowers and other creative, reusable decorations.
5. Clearly Label Waste Stations OK, so you may create some waste. Make it easy for people to recycle by labeling the trash and recycling bins with big, colorful signs so no one gets confused. Put all trash and recycling bins right next to each other.