#1 Reduce the Impacts of Climate Change
Still using PECO energy? More than a third of your electricity is in coal-fired power plants, which alone produce about 25% of U.S. carbon emissions. - Continue Reading #2 Invest in an Unlimited, Renewable Resource Clean energy is infinitely renewable and can be easily produced domestically. Using renewable energy reduces our demand for limited global resources. - Continue Reading #3 Reduces Pollution and Risks to Public Health The increase of carbon emissions in our atmosphere has already been shown to have very severe consequences to public health. - Continue Reading #4 Spur Job Growth and Other Economic Benefits A nation-wide switch to 100% clean energy would result in thousands of new jobs and billions of dollars saved. - Continue Reading #5 Set a Precedent in Your Community Switching to clean energy is a great way to do your part for your environment, and to inspire your friends and neighbors to do the same. - Continue Reading |