Profiles in Green: Marc Lenke, Rain Harvester
by Tracey Kline
by Tracey Kline

For Marc Lenke, environmental consciousness is a way of life. With his wife Jean, Lenke, a FedEx pilot and Rutledge resident, has successfully transformed their home into a prototype of sustainability –complete with compost bins, vegetable gardens, and an extensive geothermal heating system that has effectively cut their utility bills in half.
Three years ago, Lenke noticed a disturbing summer trend: hot dry periods accompanied by short bursts of rain, and skyrocketing water bills. He asked himself, why not make use of all that rainwater going to waste? This epiphany induced him to install an additional element to an already ecofriendly home: rain barrels.
“I knew it was going to require a lot of work,” he said, “but that it was the right thing to do.”
Three years ago, Lenke noticed a disturbing summer trend: hot dry periods accompanied by short bursts of rain, and skyrocketing water bills. He asked himself, why not make use of all that rainwater going to waste? This epiphany induced him to install an additional element to an already ecofriendly home: rain barrels.
“I knew it was going to require a lot of work,” he said, “but that it was the right thing to do.”