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Sustainability Coaches
> Questionnaire
Click here to download the questionnaire PDF
Sustainability Coach Questionnaire
Indicates required field
I live in:
Nether Providence (Wallingford)
Rose Valley
Phone Number
How did you hear about Sustainability Coaches?
Waste and Recycling
How many trash containers do you put out each week?
Do you buy bottled water? If so, how much per week?
How many recycling containers?
Do you compost your kitchen waste or yard waste?
Lawn and Garden
Do you water your lawn or garden? If so, how often?
What time of day do you water your lawn or garden?
What lawn watering system do you use? (hoses, sprinklers, irrigation)
Do you have a rain barrel? If so, how often do you use it for watering?
Would you be interested in learning more about sustainable lawn & gardening practices?
How many minutes of showers per week?
How many dishwasher loads?
Do you ever run out of hot water?
How many baths?
Washing machine loads?
Do you have a clothesline? If so, how often do you use it?
Are you mindful of the amount of meat your family eats?
Are you concerned about the carbon impact of food consumption?
Heating and Cooling
At what temperature do you set your thermostat in the winter? Daytime when people are home
Daytime when people are not home?
At what temperature do you set your thermostat in the summer? Daytime when people are home
Daytime when people are not home?
Do you open and close blinds and curtains to control room temperature?
How often do you service your heating and cooling systems?
How often do you change your filters?
Do you switch of electronic devices when not in use?
Have you switched electricity providers?
Does your family turn of lights when not in the room?
Which one?
Family and Transportation
How many adults live in your home?
How many children?
What ages?
How do they usually get to school? (bus, car, carpool, bike, walk, other?)
How do they usually get to activities?
How many drivers do you have?
Adult 1: How many miles driven per week?
Adult 2: How many miles driven per week?
Adult 3: How many miles driven per week?
How often do you service your cars?
Does your family like to bike or walk?