You may not realize it, but you are the proprietor of a wildlife refuge. Just look out to your back yard and there you will see a habitat of insects, other animals, and plants that depends on you more than you may think. In fact, today the majority of land in this country is in private hands, and official wildlife sanctuaries by themselves cannot adequately support the nation’s wildlife.
A fun way to learn how to manage your wildlife refuge is to take part in the Invasive Plants / Native Planting Workshop and Native Plant Sale on Saturday, April 20 (rain date April 27), from 9 a.m. to noon at the Saul Wildlife Sanctuary, behind the Old Mill in Rose Valley. This is a hands-on learning and volunteer service opportunity where you can learn about nonnative invasive plants, help to eradicate them, and plant native species in an important wildlife sanctuary. How-to guides from the Natural Lands Trust will be available for free.
A fun way to learn how to manage your wildlife refuge is to take part in the Invasive Plants / Native Planting Workshop and Native Plant Sale on Saturday, April 20 (rain date April 27), from 9 a.m. to noon at the Saul Wildlife Sanctuary, behind the Old Mill in Rose Valley. This is a hands-on learning and volunteer service opportunity where you can learn about nonnative invasive plants, help to eradicate them, and plant native species in an important wildlife sanctuary. How-to guides from the Natural Lands Trust will be available for free.