Guest Piece by aFewSteps intern Matt Chevalier

As an intern for the environmental group aFewSteps, I have learned that most people in the borough of Swarthmore see their area as a bastion of progressiveness. They pride themselves on tolerance for differences and commitment to social justice.
However, every time they throw out garbage, they are complicit in a racial injustice that has been going on for decades.
We cannot help but produce some waste; it is all part of being human. But what really happens to our garbage? Who is responsible for properly disposing of it? How is it distributed? Who really carries the environmental burden?
However, every time they throw out garbage, they are complicit in a racial injustice that has been going on for decades.
We cannot help but produce some waste; it is all part of being human. But what really happens to our garbage? Who is responsible for properly disposing of it? How is it distributed? Who really carries the environmental burden?