With the deregulation of electric utilities in Pennyslvania, you now have great options for local 100% green power. Three electricity providers stand out because they were the pioneers of green energy in Pennsylvania and source all their energy from within the state. Their electricity rates are fairly competitive with PECO’S rates (which change quarterly), generally representing a premium in the range of 10-25%.
For details about how to make the switch, see the aFewSteps Green Energy Initiative. Two good choices for green energy providers are:
The Energy Cooperative
The first member-owned Philadelphia based non-profit to offer Pennsylvania green power. To find out more details and enroll, go to www.theenergy.coop
Green Mountain Energy
This company built the first large commercial wind farm in Pennyslvania
(Somerset, PA). To find out more details and enroll, go to www.greenmountain.com
To compare all electricity provider options go to www.papowerswitch.