Hand out organic and/or fair trade candy
Growing the ingredients for candy, namely sugar, palm oil and cocoa, contributes to deforestation which is a major factor for loss of biodiversity worldwide. In addition, candy packaging and wrappers tend not to be recyclable, adding to landfills. Instead, look for brands that offer organic or fair trade candies.
Decorate sustainably
Make your own decorations, upcycled from items that you have on hand. Here’s a crafting site with a bunch of ideas for eco-friendly decorations. If you do buy decorations, choose ones that are durable so that they can be reused for multiple years. Buy your pumpkin from a local source. When the holiday is over, compost your jack-o-lantern rather than throwing it in the trash. Toast the seeds for a seasonal snack. Finally, choose reusable plates, cups, and utensils for your Halloween party.
Source: Indigo Wilmann, Posted on October 23 2018, "How to have a green halloween." www.credoenergy.com