As you prepare to entertain or determine your menu for the holidays, consider the recycling potential of the packaging for the products that you buy. Although glass is a great resource for containers, it is no longer as easily recycled. Because of its weight, glass is heavy for haulers, increasing recycling costs for haulers and municipalities. Glass also has few uses as a recycled material. Aluminum is valuable as a recycled material. It is lightweight, and municipalities and haulers can actually make money back from recycling plants. You can recycle cans curbside or bring them directly to the Swarthmore Recycling Center where the Borough of Swarthmore will get money back, helping to reduce the overall cost of recycling. The Recycling Center is located at 121 Dartmouth Avenue and is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends. So when you have a choice between aluminum cans and glass bottles for your drinks, choose cans, and be sure to recycle them when you are done.
Photo by Ty Nigh, Flickr Commons