In a report entitled “The Issue with Tissue: How Americans Are flushing Forests Down the Toilet”, the Natural Resources Defense Council states that most toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissues sold in the United States are made from wood pulp, “and in the United States that wood pulp comes largely from the boreal forest of Canada. Our demand for tissue is devastating the boreal, with serious consequences for Indigenous Peoples, treasured wildlife, and the global climate.”*
The report provides a consumer guide to individual brands of tissue products, graded on the basis of recycled content. NRDC calls on companies to “stop the tree-to-toilet pipeline” by transitioning to postconsumer recycled fibers. Consumers can limit or reduce their use of disposable tissue products by, for example, using cloth napkins and kitchen towels.
*Jennifer Skene. February, 2019. "The Issue with Tissue: How Americans Are flushing Forests Down the Toilet." NRDC Report https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/issue-tissue-how-americans-are-flushing-forests-down-toilet-report.pdf
Photo by Daniela, Flickr Commons