Here’s a simple, affordable “technology” that’s making a comeback–the clothesline. It can save you as much as $200 a year (less for those with gas dryers) in energy costs and creates no global warming gases or air pollution.
Automatic clothes dryers were once hailed as a miracle of modern housekeeping, but that convenience came with a price: namely, 6% of total electricity consumed by American homes, according to the federal Energy Information Administration. Taking advantage of the sun and breeze is free for all, and sunlight is an excellent disinfectant. Clothing also lasts longer and smells great when it’s line-dried. Not only that, standing in the fresh air, feeling the wind on your face, and hearing the birds sing is therapeutic.
In conjunction with the humble clothesline, a wall drying rack in the laundry area can handle small items such as underwear and socks.
National Hanging Out Day, April 19th, is a day to hang your clothes out to dry. It was created by Project Laundry List, which joins together with other organizations to educate communities about energy consumption.