Spiders are Interesting
Along with their eight legs, spiders are known to have eight eyes. But not all spiders have eight eyes; some have six or fewer. Spiders that hunt during the day can have great eyesight, but others rely more on touch to find their way around. A layer of cells behind their retina, the tapetum lucidum, helps them catch light better at night, but can also help you see them: hold a flashlight shining forward next to your head, and you will be able to see spider eyeshine at night! Baby spiders are also super cool: some disperse from their eggsac by ballooning: they spin a thread of silk that they use to catch the wind, Mary Poppins-style, to find a new home.
Meet Some Local Spiders
You are likely to encounter the small but long legged cellar spider in your cellar or garage. When threatened, they vibrate in their web, perhaps making them less visible to a potential predator. This harmless spider particularly likes to eat ants, another reason to encourage them in your house.
Jumping spiders are small, furry, very cute, and the males have a complex courtship dance that involves raising his front legs and strutting back and forth in front of the female. Some display beautiful colors when their legs are raised.
The yellow garden spider is an impressive spider with beautiful yellow and black patterns on its body. It builds a large orb web with an interesting zig-zagging white stripe in the center. No one knows what this is for. While these spiders are large, they only bite if you try to handle them, and the bite is no worse than a bee sting.